
      最后更新:2017-07-27 在线工具


      realx 双语例句

      1. Chrysanthemum tea Can bring certain calmness effect. For those nerves or badies that is hard to realx, it is a perfect natural countermove.

      2. In the process of building a harmonious society, to narrow the income gap between the urban and rural areas, we can take the following measures: curb the outflow of funds, regulate the informal financial development, develop small loans, realx the admission of rural financial market, credit support for SMEs, credit support to the agriculture and farmers, that is, finance should mostly serve the poor and rural residents.

      3. Many people believe smoking brings many psychological benefits, releves stresses of every day life, and provides comstant consolation, modern life is so fast and noisy, especilly in large dities smokeing hel phem ot realx, gives air life, with beautifel girls, true love and kees them goin g, rather like drinking tea or coffee.


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